Your Greenbuild Guest Blog Submission

Thanks for your interest in contributing a post for publication on the Greenbuild blog. We welcome submissions that inform, educate, and provide support to our community.

Please fill out the form below to let us know about yourself and attach your draft article where indicated (we only consider complete article drafts). Note: File size for attachments can’t exceed 10MB, so please zip the file if necessary.

If your article meets the acceptance criteria below, we will confirm receipt and notify you once it has been reviewed and accepted.

Post submissions must:

  • Be written for our specific audience: Professionals who lead the sustainability practice within a mid-sized or large B2B and B2C organization 
  • Include relevant and practical takeaways: Submissions must be original content and should not have been published elsewhere. The article should tell our readers something new, include a fresh angle or approach, and/or offer practical suggestions on how to activate your recommendations in their own operations (vs. simply stating why and how to do something) 
  • Be authoritative: Give examples, details, and support data, where possible (even better if they’re examples from brands that have used the recommended approach). Please verify your facts and quotations and include a citation/link to the original source (not other third parties who referenced the original source). 
  • Disclose any relationship/partnerships you have with the sources included in the article: When possible, please limit your use of these to one or two per article. 
  • Length: Articles should be as long (or short) as you feel is appropriate to engage and enrich our readers in a thoughtful, valuable conversation. While we don’t restrict authors to a specific word-count goal, our typical posts run between 800-1200 words. 
  • Avoid self-promotion: Your author bio is a more appropriate place to include details on your company, your industry expertise, contact information. 
Contact our content team if you have questions or need more information at